Pool Cleaner Repair Center
The Pool Supply Warehouse has a Factory Authorized, state-of-the-art, pool cleaner repair center, located in our warehouse at 17001 Alico Commerce Court #407 Fort Myers FL 33967. For your convenience, you can drop your pool cleaner off at our warehouse, or you can mail it to our warehouse directly. Please, however, contact The Pool Supply Warehouse before mailing your pool cleaner. We repair all makes and models, and are a Factory Authorized Repair Center and Retailer.
*Please Note: In order to repair your robotic pool cleaner, you must bring your power supply along with your robotic pool cleaner.

Repair Center
17001 Alico Commerce Court #407 Fort Myers FL 33928
Monday - Friday: 9AM - 4PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Automatic Cleaners